Life is hard (if you're a wasp)

It can't be easy being a wasp.  No one likes you.

I was in Nelson today for four different meetings.  Between the 2nd and 3rd I dropped my car off to get two new tyres, and was walking through an alley to my next meeting when I brushed past a lavender bush and a cloud of bees rose from it.  Of course I immediately had to get out my camera - but once disturbed they just wouldn't stay still for me and there wasn't enough light in the alley for high speed shots.

In the end I gave up on them and settled for the wasp, at least it stayed still long enough for me to get a clear image.  They might be horrid creatures but they are interesting to look at up close.  The patterns that show up in their eyes when you photograph them absolutely fascinate me - worth looking at this one in large to see that.

An interesting day all up.  Of the four meetings, three were worthwhile.  Fortunately they were all work ones - only the personal one was a frustrating waste of time.  But I did manage to get a warrant on the car too.

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