A glorious day

Hardly a cloud in the sky.
Last night's drinks with a neighbour ended up going on until 1 am and at my age that slowed things down in the morning somewhat. however when up and about, I started with a quick visit (my last one?!) to Benbecula hospital. Driving out of the car park the bay by Balivanich was in front of me vin glorious technicolour and I thought back to driving out of Frimley Park hospital in Surrey a few weeks ago and how that felt. Two different worlds and I know which I'd rather inhabit!
After a late (and large) brunch we headed down south as Tricia had her spinning group. A brief stroll around the Aird Michael headland en route to that opened the lungs and then whilst she span I went right down to Eriskay to Bonnie Prince Charlie's beach - a spectacular (in this weather) strip of shell sand and turquoise water.
After picking Tricia back up, we walked on the beach at Stillgarry and this image was taken there looking back to the hills ( mountain in one case!) of South Uist.
Days like this make up for the weeks of wind and rain we seem to have endured recently.

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