Before & After Series #3 - Dining Room

The dining room has always been a bit of a challenge.  It’s not a particularly large space, and because it’s located in the center of the house, it had three doorways leading into and out of it when we arrived.  Despite this, there was a distinct roadblock when it came to traffic flow.  It wasn’t possible to access the new kitchen easily without adding a fourth doorway to the mix --   You can see the new opening leading to the kitchen in the photo at the top on the left.  Ironically, in a family of book lovers, the only bookshelves in the whole house had to be sacrificed, as they were built against the wall where the sideboard and new door are located.  (Plentiful new shelves were added in the Family Room!)  It’s amazing what a difference one doorway -- and a dramatic coat of paint -- can make!

On a completely different topic:  No word from Blipcentral, or anyone who works there for almost two weeks.  No e-mails are being answered, and I have been told that the phone number for the Edinburgh office is not in service.  This all bodes very, very ill.  I have been feverishly backing up my daily entries in case this ship sinks.  I hate to sound like an alarmist, but I'd highly recommend that you all take similar steps if you want to save all the work you've put into your daily journals. 

Also, what really makes me sad about this whole state of affairs is the thought that the friendships I've made here will evaporate into the ether if/when this site closes down.  I'd really feel bereft if I didn't know how you all were faring!  So, I am sharing my e-mail address here for anyone who cares: 

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