Virtual Fireworks

I wore my Red Nose Day t-shirt at work whilst I made Red Nose Day cakes. I put them out in the shop and two were bought straight away. I thought they would make a good shot so I went in search of my camera. By the time I went back they had all gone....I could only take a pic of an empty wrapper.

There was a virtual firework display on at the Quays tonight and I managed to shake myself and get down there to have a shufty. I didn't know quite what to expect, but it was good fun....and all free which is always a bonus. There was a sixty foot wide screen and lasers were projected on really was great. You could join in by waving your hand over the buttons on the screen and set off the fireworks. There was also a giant game of space invaders...there was a cheer when this appeared!

There was a stall where you could make an LED strip to hang round your neck. It was the adults who queued up for this. We....oh yes, I made one...fiddled about with little bolts, bulbs and batteries with freezing fingers in the semi darkness. We etched our designs and then wore them proudly ha ha. 

I do love these sort of things...a little bit whacky, a little bit different and a sad git like me can go on their own. 

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