
By tickletoes

Wed 8th Sep 2004 - Movie night

Andy took me to the movies this night....it was at Boldon.  It was such a good night....he quite liked the trailers for 'Dodgeball', so that was good enough for me.  I just loved the idea of being seated next to him in a cinema to be honest........but what a laugh that film was.  There were a number of innuendoes and we so laughed.
There is a character who believes he is a pirate, and that was funny for us as Andy had made some joke while we had been talking and made the "aarrrgghhh" noise of a pirate - he'd even made a pirate eye patch and taken a photograph of him wearing it - - so needless to say he said aarrrgghhh a few more times this night.
This picture is stubs from the various movies we went to see together way back then when we started dating.  I have kept so many things - it's just who I am.
After the movies, Andy and I walked through the car park to the McDonald's and sat in there chatting.  I remember that so well, as I kept looking away...not wanting to be caught gazing at him all the time - I just couldn't believe he was dating me.
I do remember the staff having to come and tell us they were shutting the place - we'd talked for so long !!!!
Was the first movie we saw together.....very special memory.  
Really lovely night - he was so softly spoken, and so easy to talk to. 

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