Rembrandt (continued)

We seem to have made this into a bit of a Rembrandt study trip. Today we went to the Rembrandthuis, the house where he lived from 1639 until he was forced to sell it and its contents in 1658. What was actually the best part of this was an excellent demonstration of the etching techniques used by Rembrandt in his prints.

We even made it to Rembrandtplein, where there is this statue fronted by all the figures from his famous painting ‘The Night Watch’. There were a lot of people taking photographs, including this guy making a performance of taking selfies. I think there were more pictures taken of him taking pictures of the statue than there were of the statue itself. The trouble was that I think he was aware of this! The square itself was a crowded with tourists and we beat a hasty retreat. I wonder what Rembrandt would have made of it all.
We managed a quick return trip to the Rijk Museum to see ‘The Night Watch’ (I was going to blip a picture of people watching the ‘The Night Watch’, but remembered that Ellisroger made a better job of this than I could), and Petronella Oortman doll’s house, which inspired Jessie Burton to write the novel ‘The Miniaturist’. I think I was more impressed with the doll’s house itself, which is rather wonderful and far bigger than I imagined, than I was with the novel when I read it.
We have also done a lot of wandering and riding on trams. We even managed a boat trip along the canals and the harbour. Always good to have our own little place to get back to. Home tomorrow.

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