Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

DANDY: DIsabled and Not Dead Yet in the headlines

Mick Hardy of the DANDY Party hit the headlines in the local press today, on the same day of a meeting hosted by a mental health charity 'Voices of MIND' which Mick was originally invited to and then had his invitation withdrawn.  The meeting was a 'hustings style' event with candidates from political parties standing in Norwich being on a panel.  Mick was under the clear impression that he was to be included on that panel but that was not the case.  I don't know the full detail of it but nevertheless there is an excellent piece in the local paper today about Mick of the DANDY Party and two other candidates who are each standing in two different wards for Class War.  Their main campaign is around anti-austerity and inequality. 

There is a lot of talk around pooh-poohing what some people are calling 'loony left' or 'minority' parties but I can remember when the Greens were considered 'loony' 'tree huggers' 'a minority'.  But look at them now.  A real force to be reckoned with.

And even if the DANDY party or Class War don't win, at least they are getting people talking and raising awareness of issues that won't otherwise get raised.  They are making a noise.  People are listening and change has got to start somewhere.

You can read the article that the photo refers to here.

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