Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Holiday Weekend

Not much to report . . . this has been a quiet day. I did accomplish the reading and scoring of another group of student essays. This batch is from my Tuesday morning 8:15 class. So one more pile of essays this time from my Tuesday 1030 class and then I can throw my flat hat in the air.

Well, almost. Commencement ceremony is not until Friday evening, June 8th at 6:00. We only have one more week of regular classes and then Final Exam week. So grading this last batch of papers will put me almost over the finish line. I do still have a few students who will be submitting a revised essay this coming week. If they had done the revision when they were supposed to (before they submitted the essay) they would not have gotten the paper returned to them with an "R." But I'm hoping this experience has given them a bitter sweet taste because of having to do it again, but also recognizing that revising is a privilege because a paper can be so much better if it is given attention.

Okay, I'm done writing this boring stuff. Mr. Fun cleaned-out the garage while I've been grading papers. He even defrosted the freezer we keep in the garage. He's amazing.

We are anniversary celebrating between grading and cleaning, so we're having fun, but more about that later.

Good night from Anniversary Land.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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