
By TBay

What is in that bag?

Today we headed for Exeter to see what we could find. Although Exeter is not really very far from home we never just visit, so we thought we would .

We first of all headed for the city centre and a visit to John Lewis to see of we could find a kettle and toaster. Our current toaster is a true own goal in design terms as it only toast half the bread. It's capacity to engulf an ordinary slice of bread and toast it is nil. Every morning we have to turn the bread round half way through toasting to make sure we have a completely toasted bit of bread, and this often as not results in some pretty burnt offerings.

The kettle is also a bit of a problem as it is so loud!! If the phone rings and we are in the middle of boiling the kettle then you have to leave the room if you want to hear anything on the phone. Yes it's that loud! Apart from that it has other short comings, such as the lid spring is not working and the spout has a split in it so it leaks.

Time for action. So I decided that this time Mr TBay could be the white goods purchaser as he seems to be quite good at it! I sent him to buy a washing machine and he picked a real corker! I always tend to be rather mean when it comes to spending money on a kettle. (After all it's just a kettle. )
So into John Lewis we went and hit the white goods section where we purchased both a toaster and a kettle. The toaster has what seems like a cavernous interior and the kettle is a quite boil variety! Can't wait! ( Life's a bit sad when you get excited over a kettle and toaster.)

The picture was taken by the quayside in Exeter which is a pleasant area , nice for a stroll, as drink or a meal. We did all three. Whilst on our walk we came across this man feeding the swans, and a host of other birds come to that. He seemed to be a regular as he was chatting to his companion about one having returned. It was so funny to watch them as the stretched their long elegant necks out to reach his offerings. There was also quite a few getting rather amorous, and a bit of a dust up occurred between a couple of suitors.

Farming- Even although I am not at home, two will have been on compost hauling, and Mr TBay Jnr will still have been assisting on the shed front.
We are now back at the hotel enjoying a good strong cup of tea. Lovely.

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