
By TBay

Snow and trees

Look closely at this and you will see snow stuck to one side of the trees! When we headed out today we climbed on to the top of the moor where it was snowing. Yuk. Not a great deal however, and much was slush. There was enough to settle in places including on one side of the trunk of these trees! as soon as we dipped down into valleys it turned to rain. All in all a pretty dreary wet cold day weather wise. But we have had a pleasant day pottering around the lanes and villages. Lunch was in Porlock at The Ship Inn which was very nice. A nice welcoming fire was just what was needed and I got a seat next to it! Home again now for a nice cup of tea and a homemade cookie! Just a small one you understand!

Farming - two on compost hauling as usual.

Mr Tbay Jnr is now in Portugal for a couple of days as part of Miss Tbay's Fiance's stag do. Could be very messy, but I bet the weather is better than here!

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