For the family

By RonaMac

From India to Nepal

This morning we had a leisurely breakfast for a change and a chance to look round the gardens at the hotel in Varanasi.

I try to take a picture of a cat and a wedding in all the countries that I visit. The cats are normally easy, but these were the first seen on our travels in India. There were 4 kittens, but 2 disappeared up a drain pipe when I appeared on the scene.

The flight to Kathmandu, visa collection and immigration process was very speedy!! We have heard so much about Nepal from our daughter's visits to see her husband, that we are excited to be here.

In the afternoon we visited the 14th century Boudhanath Stupa, before returning to our hotel to meet up with our son-in-law for dinner. It was so good to see him looking fit and well. Three hours of chat, good food and a few beers were enjoyed by all.

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