Growing old disgracefully



The sun rose at 4.47am this morning. I missed it by about 20 minutes. That doesn't matter, as I was around in time to catch it rise above the quarry hill and flood the bottom of my garden with its magical rays. I need to learn how to take images of sunrises, but today I couldn't care less about technique - it was just wonderful to be pottering with the birds at that time of the day when it was still cool enough to work.

Sandy and Bobby came and sorted out the last little bit of the garden - apart from one small triangle of intentional wilderness it is more or less tamed (for the moment). The main thing is that there is now a path above the soak away and it is less likely I will fall into the hole one dusky evening. I'm working on a structure to support netting around fruit bushes. I am more of a plants person than a handy woman, so I find these crafty jobs a wee bit taxing.

Sandy and Bobby - serious muscle power
Great long conversation with an old friend
Happy phone call from my Canadian grandson

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