Chocolate in the Making

These are cacao pods, which grow right out of the trunk of the trees. They are about the size of an elongated cantaloupe and are filled with the "cocoa beans" that are ground in the process of making chocolate. 
The first day of the trip we crossed the mountains - 4 hours of constant "S" curves! We were feeling a little queasy even in front of the van, and once the driver had to pull over so a man seated in the back could get out and be sick! 
The vegetation gradually changed from tall pines to rain forest canopy type of trees with think hanging vines and dense undergrowth. As we neared the Gulf of Mexico the land becomes flat lowland and humidity and temperatures increase. Bananas, sugar cane, and cacao are crops that grow will in this area.
Waiting for us was a cabin by a river and some really cold beers. 

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