
By Mindseye

Wet washout of a day

Despite the weather forecast, it was dry when we got up, then as we set off to pick up youngest son from the train station it started... and it's not stopped all day, other than an odd half hour late afternoon. We've all been stuck indoors :-(.

We had to go out later to pick up sons car from the garage, and we got caught in the late afternoon rush hour traffic coming back home, so tedious, don't miss that at all ;-)

Managed to snap another quick view of Rivington Pike, looking quite splendid with the light on the mast, framed by the dramatic dark clouds......I quite like it, although it's a bit dark!

Youngest staying over tonight so we can clean his car and hopefully sell it tomorrow :-). His dad and grandad are calling at ours tomorrow to see him, to check out his eye post op. It is doing well, check up on Thursday.

Football on TV tonight, we better get our act together........fingers crossed!

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