Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Exciting news! Well for us... The collar has worked! Archie now just stands at the gate and looks at the passing traffic - yelly teenagers, prams, toddlers, people with clumpy shoes, people slamming car doors etc and he doesn't bark! It has been a pleasure to potter about outside with him. Well, apart from him stomping over the flowers planted yesterday...

He's not distressed by the collar, just deterred by it. Brilliant. And he can also walk right past the same teenagers, prams, toddlers and sundry funny hats. Hallelujah!

Not quite the same when he sees other dogs, but one step at a time.

I've spent the day reorganising cupboards. I thought of it in the middle of the night - move the wee portable barbecue out of the hall cupboard into the shed, now that I have more room out there. Bingo! A whole new shelf became available. And it was actually quickly filled up with Archie stuff.

We sent a photo of Archie with his birthday cake to the breeders. They said that his half sister, Eve, was third in her class at Crufts. Archie would create havoc in that ring!

Here he is having a snooze after a busy morning. He still sleeps on my foot if he can't get on my lap.

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