
By Instography


As we walked up the stairs and heard the car alarm going I jokingly said to Mandy, "that'll be yours". It wasn't, of course, although the bike racks on the roof looked odd and it soon became clear that that was because some mother's little darling (HT mum) had carefully removed one of the bike racks and used it to smash the back windscreen and clear the glass. I suppose they were hoping to find something valuable. More valuable than some scabby dog towels, some bags for life and other assorted junk.

Thus began the saga of phoning the polis, trekking to the station for nothing, heading out to Baillieston to Autoglass who couldn't fix it but at least hoovered out the broken glass and covered the back in heavy duty cling film so we could drive home. They'll fix it another day.

Other than that some loafing around and some playing with data and maps. 

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