
By Mindseye

Spring lambs

This morning we woke up to wind and rain....... such a disappointment after yesterday! We walked out for the Sunday papers, got wet and it was quite chilly!

Watched the tennis and athletics for a couple of hours, then thankfully it dried up, the clouds broke and the sun came out, so we opted for a walk to get some fresh air.

Firstly off to the duck pond, then around our estate and off along the top road, then back up the other side, past the fields and farms, hoping to see some lambs, but no signs yet!
Only their parents..........I liked this sheep who was eyeballing me as I pointed my camera in its direction! I like its colourful earrings too ;-)

I feel a little bad blipping this now........having just had the most gorgeous roast lamb with rosemary, garlic, lemon, mint sauce and red currant and wine jus!!

Shhhhhhh don't tell ;-)

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