My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Crummock Water, Lake District

We've had a wonderful four days in the Lake District, but with no wi-fi at the farm b&b, we haven't been able to post our daily journal or comment on yours either.   I will back blip Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays over the next couple of days.
We had a fantastic blip meet with Marpaul and Misty today at Crummock Water.    The wind was really strong and gusting at 60mph, picking up spray and sending it across the water soaking everything and everybody in sight.   After a couple of hours walk we then went to the Kirkstile Inn where we had a delicious lunch and chat before we had to say our goodbyes to Marpaul and Misty.    We stopped en route home to visit the superb photographic exhibition at the Rheged Centre in Penrith by Ian Lawson called Herdwicks.   This was our second visit and today Ian Lawson was at the exhibition so we were able to chat to him about his photography which was the icing on the cake.    We then made our way home and drove from Scotch Corner in a record time of three and a half hours.     Feeling shattered now so will catch up with you all tomorrow. 

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