There and back again

By Mikes

Castle Drogo

Castle Drogo on Dartmoor is owned by the National Trust and for the past three years it has been undergoing a massive reconstruction to make the building waterproof and save it from falling down. Unusually the Trust has kept the building open as far as possible during these restorations so members of the public can see what is going on.  Today marked a point where part of the building is now waterproof and they opened it  to invited members of the public to see a new exhibition and some of the rooms which have now been open again. Mrs M and I were lucky to get an invite,
.   The building its self is encased in a large white tent and scaffolding and on the ground outside there are the parts of the roof which have yet to be replaced and they are all numbered like a giant Lego waiting for their turn to be put back some when in the next two years.

As well as the house there is a wonderful restaurant where we enjoyed  a couple of venison burgers and potatoes wedges and sat outside and enjoyed the wonderful weather here today

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