
By tickletoes

A Plaster for the Green Machine

I remember the shock, no...probably the fear which came over me the evening Andy told me he had come off his bike.  He'd been going around a corner and hadn't judged it properly, and went straight across the road and came off the bike on a grass verge.
How very different everything would have been had it been serious that day.  Although...........things feel now, as they would have that day, had he been killed.  It's horrible to say that, but that is exactly how I feel these days.

Anyway, he kept telling me he was all right.  Just hurt his pride, but....that the Green Machine had a bit of a crack in the fairing at the bottom.  He told me he had put a plaster on her.
I wish I had a picture of that.....and he did send me one, but I cannot find it...........so a google picture of a plaster will have to do as a reminder.  If I ever find the one he sent, I will post it.
Have to say...........I really saw the funny side, and again loved his sense of humour and creativity.
Ironically, not at any time did I ever wish he wouldn't ride the bike again - it was so very much a part of him.

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