Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

New Eye-Glasses

Today Mr. Fun and I both took delivery of our new eye-glasses. I walked out of the optometry department delighted with the new vision. He walked out feeling like he was in a fish-bowl. As he continued to wear them, I think his view got better. I can now see those student essays so much better! and I still have more than enough to read.

Anniversary weekend began today . . . the 29th is the actual event, but we've been practicing the celebrating all month so that we'll have it right by Tuesday when we celebrate 47 years of marriage. No one thought we'd stay married 47 days, let alone 47 years (you can include us in that thought). Every year our delight and "surprise" is immense.

Way back then it was NOT a good season for my parents -- they were so mad (that puts it mildly); I was 15, so I think their emotion were justified (not to mention we had a baby on the way!). One statement Mom made to me was, "You are too young to be in love!" Today I remain thrilled that "puppy love is real to puppies!"

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka

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