Midweek madness
Proper gravy - on a Wednesday! Madness.
Mr B arrived home just after lunch (and after a short frenzy of tidying up and clearing space for all the purchases he will have made). Sure enough he arrived with a bootfull of icing sugar, paint and ginger beer. (And a new-to-us Audi which is, terrifyingly, diesel. I am CERTAIN to fill it with the wrong fuel at least twice.)
The lamb (slow roasted on rosemary and the other stuff you see here) was served with boulangère potatoes and some green things. And gravy, of course. Last time I made this the potatoes etc were in with the lamb and we decided we liked it, but wanted gravy next time. So obviously this time Mr B decided it didn't need gravy.
A slightly frustrating afternoon searching for TallGirl who was due back from a sports outing at 5pm - but hadn't told me where. I spent 30 minutes driving round all the usual drop off points, until I fortuitously bumped into her sports teacher who told me it was actually 5.45pm. So, she missed riding and had to endure withering sarcasm (again) for her failure to be able to ever have her phone when she needs it.
And then Mr B managed to get over his tiredness, and we watched the last three episodes of Broadchurch. Late night.
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