Plus ça change...

By SooB

Spring (again)

Tradition dictates that I take a photo of these flowers every year.  The ones I normally photograph are, I only just realised today, now buried under 10cm of concrete.  Oops.  These ones are sensibly skulking under a tree where I am unlikely to bother them.

As you can see, the rain has stopped!  I even managed some gardening this afternoon (though of the structural rather than the plant variety). This morning was spent in the school office (including a small amount of time at the end perusing the details of a house a blipper and husband might buy - mainly looking for the downside and not seeing it, which is good.)  Also speaking to Mr B as he edged slowly into the Channel Tunnel (hurrah!  Me and the kids are at our limit of time spent together alone...)  And also several other displacement activities so I didn't have to make a call I've been putting off for weeks to threaten to set the bailiffs onto someone.  (Writing cheques and stuff I can deal with, but there are bits of being the School Treasurer I can do without.)

Shopping with TallGirl after school, who has had a last minute invite to a birthday party this weekend.  Somehow a duck fell into our supermarket trolley (not a real one) and I definitely didn't just buy it for an easy blip one of these slow days.  

Rain tomorrow and then SUMMER!  (Well, sunshine, at least.)  I'm officially all done with winter.  I might not even turn my electric blanket on tonight as a protest.  Hmmm.  Might have to just think that one through a bit more.

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