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Happy Family

Aristophanis, Lea and Nico.

Our last day of the holiday. We had a lovely walk from Lafki thro' the olive groves ending up at a small taverna for the final Ouzo.

Aristophanis is one proud Dad!! Nico is his 'Prince of Spartilas'

He too is a grafter, fitting kitchens, windows, doors etc. He can turn his hand to anything. I helped fit a window with him in the village of Pagi. It was an education. I came away with a gallon of Olive Oil, some Olives and the finest Oregano. And before we started we had to have a beer!

We had a great time in Corfu as usual. We are priveleged to be part of this family. We are treated like royalty when we go. Looking forward to returning in the Autumn for Nico's christening

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