Hobart, Tasmania

Our trip today was to Port Arthur Penal Station, a prison for convicts transported from England in the period 1830 -1853 to Van Diemen’s Land (now renamed Tasmania). The men in this prison were mostly repeat offenders with further offences in Australia. The extensive site accommodated more than 2000 convicts, soldiers and civil staff by 1840. More than 30 historic buildings, ruins and restored buildings, grounds and gardens provide a fascinating day out.

When we arrived we were each given a playing card, mine was the Queen of diamonds. One of the displays was the convict’s gallery which identified the personal stories of some of the convicts. My character was a 27yr old hairdresser from Stansted in Essex (about 10 miles from home) who was sentenced to transportation for life in 1827 for picking pockets. He was sent to Port Arthur in order to mend his drunken ways!!!

We had lunch in the Asylum, which was a unique experience.

The trip out was through bush area which was extensively burned in 2013. Some of the blackened eucalyptus trees showed new growth of branches and leaves.

The Tasmania Police Pipe Band and Highland dancers provided an excellent show in the evening.

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