All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Enjoying the sunshine

We had such a mixed day today.

Ethan was up most of the night - he didn't sleep more than one consecutive hour at a time, still crying about having a sore head. Ended up in our bed, then I took him through to the spare room to sleep with me so hubbie could get some sleep, then at 4am he decided he wanted his own bed but I had to go too!

Fortunately he finally slept in till just after 8am and seemed much more cheerful from then onwards. We had a playdate in Edinburgh with In Tru Life. Started off with a cuppa at her house before going to the Botanic Gardens to enjoy the glorious sunshine. We had lunch there too - so nice to be able to eat outdoors and of course Ethan just had to have a chocolate ice-cream cone too! Ethan had such good fun playing with Floriana and then cuddles with Maddy too after she had been picked up from school.

After that Ethan & I popped into my work as I haven't taken him in for ages. He was spoilt with chocolate biscuits, fruit & juice from my colleagues although surprisingly he seemed to eat more grapes than biscuits!

We then met up with hubbie at Tescos before heading home. I started feeling queasy on the drive back and by the time we got home I felt really unwell and went straight to bed. I can't remember the last time I was physically sick - had forgotten how horrid it is! Hope it's a bug and not food poisoning from my lunchtime meal at the Botanics!

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