
By HotButtered1


........See you later Singapore!

On our last day we took a hire car up the main freeway (all of 18Km's) to the bridge that connects Singapore to Malaysia. You could see Malaysia across a very thin strip of water. It was different to what we  thought it would be - we now know where all the trucks in Singapore go! Lots of construction and high rise across the border.

Last sky high swim. You can virtually see all of Singapore from the swimming pool. We noticed on BBC channel a story about Singapore being the most expensive city in the world again. The guy that did the story must have taken the fotos from the pool!

We have tried American and Aussie steakhouse, Italian, Asian Fusion, and for our last dinner here, Japanese buffet. Lots of sushi and sashimi. Really delicious. The Manager noticed we were drinking Singapore Slings and asked how it compared with other Slings around Singapore - seems there is a competition to produce the best! He emailed us his recipe and invited us to try their newly created but not yet released five year anniversary celebration cocktail called MBS5tars. It was a dangerously strong brew but very pretty and delicious (lucky we only had to walk back to our room!)

Time now to pack all our extra shopping into our newly purchased purple plastic suitcase with four wheels. We now look like all the other Asian tourists at the airport.

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