
By tickletoes


When we spoke online, we had "addies" or screen names. Mine was DaMoonCat backwards. It was abbreviated to Cat pretty quickly, and that's how Andy came to know me......as Cat. When we met in real life, he pretty quickly started to call me tiger.
I loved that....the connotations were something I aspired to.
Andy started to buy little things for me, and sent me clues. He'd tell me the colour, dimensions, sometimes the weight, what it was made of (eg metal, wood, plastic etc) and how much the postage cost. I really loved his descriptions. They were so obscure......I never had any chance of guessing what they were.
So many things he sent me / gave me.
This is a white porcelain cat. It's actually a perfume bottle, but it was one of my favourite ones "colour : White. Made of glass, and the postage was ...."
The suspense was always fun.
Opening them. There was always a wee story behind each and every one he bought for me. Thought, care, love.
I have kept this one in my kitchen for over ten years as its special.
They were the days. He loved buying these little things for me. And I loved him for each and every one of them.

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