Magic Place at The Far Side

We did it! I mean, finally this morning we got that big radix, that dug in laurel-root out of the the stony muddy slope. This will have been the first and the strongest one of the others to follow this week. But we bet to have an easier job next time. And apart from that, Iearned to work with my back, stooped without catching a lumbago. Feeling stronger means also more selfconfident in handling pick&axe&saw. Not bad for a couple a Septuagenaries. We still have some time to succeed in doing a great part of this heavy job with our own hands. Doing open air bodywork on a working leave, shall we say?

Afterwards I took a hot shower, dressed warmly and had a deep, refreshing nap on the couch.
Part One Finished. In the afternoon we did just that uncommon walkaround along the Weserriverside at Herstelle, which normally we skip over during wintertime. It was a grey but really pleasant walk. The weather balanced on the verge of rainfall. But somehow it kept dry apart from a few drops. On the way back we visited the Benedict Cloyster near the uphill Castle.

From there Willemien pointed me at a magic crossway in the distance higher up at the opposite riverside. A place and a space of intimate magic: Three Trees along a T-cross, We will climb up or down another day and sit there together. Viewing down into the valley, looking up to that White Cloyster on the rocks at the far side. Finally feeling that coming into our own in our new homeland.

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