Together at Meinbrexen Waters

Uprooting that Laurel. Its so easy to say this. But then the heavy work starts. With pickaxe, axe, saw, spade, pincers. Eradication works like an attack in a war against nature. It hurts the plant and my green heart. But Sorry Friends, we do have to dig out the whole sewer pipe on its down hill route. Dug in in the stony hillside underground, unwisely covered with spruces and laurels. We have to axe, and cut out all those devastating ingrowth of roots into the sewer system.

And we did make a slow but progressing start. It has been our first hard labour probe since we build our Hut on a small plateau higher up in our backyard. Though the work is far from ready, we have done it with patience, endurance and mutual agreement. A laurelroot, big, strong and branching, has to be handled with care. Though my arms are stiff and aching, we know better now. We have learned from this new experience. Together we made a high five.

Our small tour to Meinbrexen Waters this afternoon had to be a reward. A windy but sunny walk around the waters. Meeting geese, coots, ducks and a cormorant. In between we allowed ourselves to sit on a bench, a trunk or a stone. To feel the sun, to hear the winds rustling through the reed. How benign to share such a day together. Thankyou for this reward, Willemien!

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