
By beeeze


This tree sits outside the front door, it's one of several in the garden. Every year they all put on the most fabulous display but this one is my favourite.

Not been over the doorstep today after the trauma of yesterday. I needed a day to recover and in truth I don't think we will be going on many more shopping trips together, at least not unless we have a helper. It is just too distressing for both of us. I go with the good intention of getting Ma out and about for a change of scene and come back a gibbering tearful wreck with a migraine.

Having said that... we are off to support the sponsored walkers tomorrow who are raising funds for the Dementia Café. I've donated some framed photos for the raffle so some poor bugger will draw the short straw. I might shove Ma round the althetics track just for the fun of it but suspect we won't be there very long before she will have had enough.


3pm: I am a melting wreckage sitting in front of the fan.

Ma: Ohh isn't it cold out?

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