I'm in charge Mummy

Last night.....
Around 4am I told Lee it was his turn, I woke at 5am with no Lee in bed, I guessed he had gone to Munchie and ended up in her bed.

Daddy went shooting, we stayed and played then got rugged up to head out and see the baby pigs at nursery's farm. Munchie was in her element. She is so confident in feeding them and even knew how to get the big pigs out of the way so she could see the little pigs! We then went and had lunch at the cafe. She loved her hot chocolate and was so grown up drinking it. Wom was enjoying himself loads until a nasty hen pecked his hand to get the piece of bread from him. He sobbed. Tears fell. Even milk didn't placate him. (this didn't last long)

Home and Womsie was fast fast asleep so I put him on the sofa thinking he would wake soon, as he didn't I left Munchie sat next to him, holding his hand, watching Sarah and Duck. She was a star and let me know when he was awake and could be heard talking to him telling him where mummy was.

Auntie Katie, Uncle John and Lucy came for tea, Munchie really enjoyed this and played really nicely. Come bath time we had tears over everything, she was sooo tired. Fast asleep just before 7pm. We shall see what tonight brings us

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