
By Igor


Anniemay has something of the comic actress about her.  In response to my “how are you?” this morning, she throws (that’s right - throws) her left hand onto her left jaw and emits a cross between a gurgle and a snarl.  A snurgel, perhaps?  Although the sound is more “guarrll”. 

She then stabs a finger at the box of Neurophen and the tube of Bonjela.  All this is in case mere words are insufficient to convey her meaning.  I get the picture.  Which does not look particularly good.

Anniemay is pretty robust.  She’s the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.  So when she says (or rather, mimes - although she did use sounds, so strictly speaking - not exactly a ‘mime’)  I know that something is wrong.  

This is all very strange; she has a  mouth full of ulcers.  I still have ulcers (the week-long course of medication having failed to shift them) and Chris, who’s been staying with us, also has ulcers. Are mouth ulcers contagious?  Is it environmental? Coincidence?

At the last, she gets out her calculator, then moves to the white board and covers it with formulae, squiggles and arrows.  She deduces that it’s not coincidence.  

She makes an appointment with the GP (itself a rare event), we toast each other with mouthwash and hope for the best.

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