
By Igor

tree 1

The sun has got his hat on and Anniemay’s at her photography course so I decide to go for a wander in the woods.  Alone.

I’m a bit self conscious wandering around on my own - especially with a camera slung round my neck.  When I used to walk the dog I would meet all sorts of people - most of whom would acknowledge me.  Or rather him.  He was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and anyone familiar with the breed will know that their tails are permanently set on ‘wag’.  So people I met would speak to the dog first on the assumption that he was so pleased to see them that they must be someone really special.

I would often walk to work (minus dog) crossing the same dog paths, but when I did so, would often be viewed with suspicion - my “good mornings” ignored.  “It’s me, the bloke with the Cavy…” But no.  A man walking on his own must be up to no good.  It’s as if a dog legitimises walking alone.

There are lots of dog walkers in the woods so I make a point of greeting any dog that I meet, first.  I can see the owner’s brain ticking over; “Hmm. The dog likes him, he likes the dog, he must be OK…. but wait - why is he in the woods on his own?  He’s usually with his wife…. I bet he’s killed her and buried her somewhere ….”  And so it goes.    

There are some magnificent trees around.  Specimen Oaks and Beeches dominate what was once the grounds of an 18th C estate.  Now other trees and bushes are muscling in, threatening to spoil their view.

Last time we were here, Anniemay suggested I pick a tree and photograph it through the changing seasons;  so here goes.

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