My girl in Wonderland

2years 92days - 27months

Gotta love Saturdays - especially midexam Saturdays. We've had a lovely day today, more special to be shared with a friend. We started out having a little wander round town, the market, a babyccino/latte, a few bits bought. Then off to swimming! They had a fantastic time today. We were progressing from "dragging in" baby dives to actual crouch, superman arms, toddlers diving in the water. And it was amazing watching Katie then swim along, paddling her arms and kicking her legs. They had fun with "What time is it Mr Shark", lots of superman walks/swims and LOADS of fun with the hokey cokey. A good lesson!

We then spent an afternoon exploring York. Katie was fast asleep not long before we left the pool and slept the whole way there. We found a lovely little sandwich shop/cafe for a late lunch, after a quick play in the play area of another place which we discovered was no longer serving food. We went and collected the ceramics we'd painted - really really pleased with them! And then we landed in the "Mickey Mouse Shop". Katie almost immediately saw a display of Muppets goods. She ran to Kermit - who she calls Muppet - and clung to him as she does to Monkey. She had a lot of fun colouring, playing and exploring this small princess castle display. And Muppet left the shop with her. She's very pleased! A walk round the Shambles, a look round near the Minster and it was time to head home for a yummy tea with friends. A fabulously chilled out day.

Katie at 27months
*has started learning letters - she knows k,m,b,a,g,w.
*recognises most of the numbers 1-10, 5 and 9 are hit and miss
*knows both our names
*sings the whole of Rockabye your bear
*goes to sleep without bedtime milk
*says balloon properly now, this makes me sad
*calls the computer "puka" , then always remembers Pooky, then asks for LyraEllie

*her frilly knickers to match her tutu
*wearing Princess dresses or jammies for the whole day - girl of extremes!
*Broccoli (a recently rediscovered like) rice krispie cereal bars, chicken
*doing "sticks" in her sticker books
*night-time/morning milk, no way she was ditching it totally
*the Muppets
*playing the teletubbies cbeebies game
*wearing jammies to bed at the moment - starkers is preferred

*Chuckle Brothers performance
*Tube ride. In rush hour
*University visit
*Playgroup Christmas party
*Steam train ride
*Chinese restaurant
*Scarborough's Boxing Day antics
*Carousel ride (on Princess)
*Christmas Pudding

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