
By Mindseye

Follow m' leader

I had another sleep over last night at youngest sons and wife, so that I could be the driver today! Son had two appointments at the eye hospital, the first was 8.45 then 9.00, so,an early start! Didn't sleep particularly well, managed 5 hours I think :-(

We arrived in the car park early, at 8.10 due to half term......reported to reception and sat down having been told that they were short handed and that his 8.45 would be done after his 9.00!

They were not kidding, 9.00 became 9.30 and after 40mins with the professor, we waited some more eventually went in for his Pre-op by which time his wife had to leave, and get a bus, as she had an interview at 11! The plan was that we would be done and we could drop her off in the city centre but that backfired!

After pre op, bloods and ECG were required. We took a number in the blood clinic (like at the supermarket), no. 47........a nurse then appeared and called out no. 21 please...groan!!
It was a bit like herding sheep in there ;-)
Whilst we were waiting we did sign up for organ donation. (It did wonder if I might peg out there ;-)

To cut a very long story short, we eventually walked out of the hospital at 12.30 and drove to pick wife up after her interview :-)

We didn't whin and complain whilst we were there as they were working hard doing their best, but still, not the best use of working people's time! Right, that's enough of that, alls well that ends well as they say!

After lunch, son took his car in for a service, so I followed then dropped them both off to visit Grandad. Eventually, on my drive home! I stopped off briefly at Carr Mill to get a quick blip, the sky was particularly nice! As usual there was plenty of birds around on the water too. I got some lovely shots of swans, but because of the skies colours, with the help,of hub, we opted for this one.

Early to bed tonight for me :-)

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