A walk through the park

Poor Reggie, though he would have loved a longer walk, Mr H was otherwise engaged and I didn't have the energy to give him a decent walk, so we had a walk through the park. It was sunshine when I locked the front door, I can see the park from the front door, and by the time we got to the park gate it was chucking it down. A quick circuit of the bottom field and by the time we'd done that it was sunny again! Reggie didn't seem to mind the wet, I was less impressed.   As a result of the rain I didn't get may opportunities for a photo but this is one of the trees in the park , with the grey sky behind. It isn't in mono!

I have been sorting out a bit at home and have thrown out loads of clutter. Does any one know how it accumulates? I am determined once I get back under control it won't get out of hand again!  I might blip each room each week as an incentive for keeping the entire house under control!

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