Guess who has had a haircut

Poor Reg has been in need of a haircut so he was booked in for today. This collage is two of him looking out of the window this morning , just checking the street hadn't changed overnight, and then one of him checking it was still OK when we came home, and him laid in his favourite spot behind the sofa. He looks so much better, and hopefully will not bring so much muck home with him after walks now!

I usually polish the floors when Reggie is at the groomers for the day, but I didn't have the energy today, though I have run the G-tech over them, and washed all his bedding, so everything looks cleaner.

Just uploaded yesterday's blip as I did this one, the laptop wasn't in reach last night so it has to wait.

Been back to the Doctor's and thankfully the asthma and infection are under control but it has left me with pleurisy. Longing for a decent dog walk!

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