Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Paws by the Loch

Took the dogs down to the loch to clean up after feeding this morning. My ewe with the broken leg is bright this morning and still eating. It must be so sore for her. Spent a few hours shed tidying, mainly burning some rubbish that had accumulated. Its such a big shed that it becomes a dumping ground when I don't know where to put things and so it just becomes full of rubbish everywhere. Its had a tidy and an organise. And once husband was home he cross cut some of the lengths of wood that are still taking up lots of room in the shed and I split them with a borrowed log splitter that is due to go home soon so trying to crack on with it. This should have been done months ago!! I'm slowly working on the shed as I will need an area of it for pens at lambing time which is a good incentive and gives us a deadline. Shifting logs about aggravated my wrist which was doing better due to strapping it up for feeding. So little and often stints of that I think.

Homemade Scotch Pancakes (drop scones), layered and stacked with butter, jam, hazelnut chocolate spread and Bacon with maple syrup drizzled over the top for our dinner tonight since its Shrove Tuesday. I say dinner its more a starter will probably have something a little more dinner like later!!

7c with SW 8.5mph wind dry in the morning and wet sideways drizzle this afternoon. The wind has veered sse this evening.

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