Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Mono Monday Bridge

I had time on my hands this afternoon so thought I would have a go at this weeks mm challenge. I was busy taking shots of the bridge when I noticed my mono friends watching on in curiosity and ended up including them in the photo! This is a small bridge on our farm track. It has been here for many years and is made of stone. It has flooded countless times and you can still see some of the debris on the fence above. I had to cut my photo shoot short when a large hail shower hit so not many photos to choose from!

Busy morning this morning one of my poor ewes on the hill turned up to feeding with a broken back leg. I caught her and brought her to the shed in the wheelbarrow, she was very obliging! She has been splinted and medicated but I don't know how she will do. She is in a wee pen in the shed next to some other sheep for company. We will just have to see how it goes.

2.7C outside with 3mph W wind. Wet this morning and sunshine and showers this afternoon.

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