Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Strangely quiet

Right now I should be jumping up and down pouring champagne over my head.
After 2 Open University modules in 2000 and 2001, then stopping for 3 years, then doing another module, then stopping for another 4 years, then doing ... 9 modules in 3 years...

9 in 3 years? Is that right ? Seems like a lot now... Yes, I 've just checked - 9 in 3 years. Bonkers...

Anyway after all that typical all-or-nothing Rachel-type behaviour, I finally finished my final assignment for a BA honours last night and sent it this morning.

All done.

I feel weirdly quiet. I did some yoga (Ow!) and played the flute and started the horrid, horrid task of trying to straighten the house up a bit. I didn't get very far. It was too depressing. It made me feel how I used to feel: a bit like a pointless, repetitive machine.

I'm going to have to make an effort to remember all the Rachels and not just the picking-up-things Rachel - because she's a miserable git.

I've found masses of washing that can't be ignored though and made a start on that this evening.

It was nice to get out and get to the beach this afternoon and not feel like I was skiving off. It was so calming to take great big gulps of briny air and watch Dylan the dog throw himself around like a numpty.

I have SO many unanswered emails, facebook messages, tweets, texts, phonecalls, things I've said I'll do but haven't. I must deal with those and see who's still talking to me.

I've been such an unreliable, unresponsive fluffhead for a while - unable at times even to come up with responses to comments on this blip account or to my blog. I think using your brain against a tide of distractions and other responsibilities is tough. It's really hard work. I feel as if I've run a marathon.

It's times like this you find out who really loves you.

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