It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

On the Pool!

ParkRun South Manchester to start the day today. I was chilled but had a thoroughly average performance. A few kg's over race weight and not feeling at all zippy!
Getting home was good as I had picked up a few treats from Eighth Day and had a double bill of The Musketeers to watch! It's swashbuckling twaddle and as a pacifist I shouldn't enjoy people getting sworded. However, I love it. Hmmm...not quite sure why all the commoners are Northern though!
After a quick snooze, it was off into town again, a trip to Unicorn and then a swimming gala with my club Manchester Tri up against the wee yins from Trafford! I met Helen, a club mate, at Cornbrook which was fortuitous as I didn't really know where the pool in Sale was. The board said the next tram was to Altrincham so we jumped on that. Nattering too much, we only noticed we were on the wrong tram in Chorlton (where I had come from 30 mins earlier) and a frantic rush back to Sale followed. It's hard work running with the week's fruit n veg shop.
I was taking piccies of the gala. Hmmm, moan moan moan.......some photographers say there's no such thing as bad light! Hmmm..... cranking ISO up to 2000, poor reflections, rubbish pool lighting and no natural light whatsoever! I don't think I got any shots I was really happy with but this one of Enrique and Kate was nice.

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