It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Two ends of the scale!

I'm getting on my soap box and having a whine about the Nikon corporation today. They've just lost a customer.
I really like using my D7000, a really well designed piece of quality kit. Unfortunately, it developed a small fault with one of the control buttons not working properly, not totally dysfunctional but a pain all the same. Alan from work had a wee look and said the preferable option would be to replace the internal sensor pad. I said I would source it and then the job would be sorted!
The thing is that Nikon have recently implemented an almost global policy of not selling spare parts to anyone apart from authorised repair shops. They told me the part itself was £11.95 plus VAT but I must pay to post the camera to them, potentially wait several weeks for repair and then pay them (through the nose) to do a very simple job. Of course, all their authorised repairers have to sign contracts to say they will not sell spare parts either and also charge far more than independents!
Nikon say this is for quality assurance purposes; however, in reality it's taking choice away from consumers, inconveniencing them and potentially pushing small camera repair shop businesses under! Fortunately, Alan took a 2nd more risky option and got the camera working perfectly again. Companies such as Nikon are struggling, not only from recent floods in Thailand destroying their factories but also a rapidly changing camera market. They need all the customers they can get. All they've achieved with me (and many others) is to piss me off, losing a small sale of £11.95 and ensured that if I need new camera equipment, I will avoid them like the plague.
On to good news, I went to my fav independent coffee shop, North Tea Power after work (I haven't got a fav non-Independent coffee shop.....they're mainly as unscrupulous as Nikon) where I was welcomed with a "Hello Andy" and the most yummylicious V60 I've had in months. It was Githiga AA washed bean from Kenya, roasted by the wonderful Square Mile. It was sweet, with a lustrous mouth-feel... the tasting notes said blackcurrant jam and raspberries. I though more of prunes in syrup with a lychee acidity! Bloody wonderful it was!
As it's Friday, I decided to go to another independent establishment 'Slice' a little Romanesque pizza shop in the Northern Quarter. My slices included a potato, mushroom and truffle oil one and their brilliant rosemary and sea salt focaccia. On a slight downside, I bought some Duchy of Cornwall full fat milk in Waitrose, helping the rich get richer! At least Charlie Big Lugs (well maybe his minions) looks after his cows by actually feeding them grass. It's not homogenised (processed) either so retains all its proper goodness and taste too! "ooohhh'll make you fat" I hear you cry! If you think that, have a wee read of this meta-analysis to have the wool removed from your eyeballs! 
Oh... n more bad news....I was asked what I had got my beloved for tmz! "Tmz?" I asked.....then it dawned on me! I'll make it up to you next week sweety pea!

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