Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Dexter the Builder

Dex is doing a fab unit of study at school at the moment all to do with construction. They have been exploring the different materials used for building homes, learning what architects do and building their own constructions. They even went into the forest and made replica houses that the 'Three Little Pigs' built and 'blew' them down. He loves it!

Today they went on a visit to a real construction site. They had a special tour especially designed for children which looked amazing (judging by the photos on the school portal). They were given white child size hard helmets, special gloves to protect their hands, their own site passes, and a reflective vest. They were shown how to use all different types of tools and were allowed to do some real hammering, they looked at the bulldozers and cranes and then they made their own cement and used real bricks to build a small wall. He had the best time!

His big sister was very envious so we are now on the look out for building sites to visit!

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