Better than flowers

I received a Valentine’s Day gift today – a book. The Gorgeous Nothings is a big book with the photographed images of the words of Emily Dickinson, which she jotted down on the backs of used envelopes. I knew she had done this, but had never seen any of it. I recently came across a comment about the book, but knew it was not one I would buy for myself. And like magic it arrived today.
Scraps/ jottings/ thoughts/ words – or poems. They could be anything really. But to see the way they have been placed, the handwriting fitting the shapes, words being changed, altered - makes it all so immediate. A transcription just wouldn’t do, which is why you will have to read this for yourself!
Of course we now have this going through our heads, although the words are not quite what you would want for a Valentine’s Day!
The borders of our lives . . . 

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