Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Head Versus Body

Last night I went to bed with a plan for today; go to the charity bookshop to see if they had the follow on books from The Black House; it was a great read. Then I needed the supermarket.

This morning I felt up for going out, despite being tired. Unfortunately I was unsuccessful at the charity shop :(.  A quick stop at the harbour catching some shadows as the sun was out. On the way to the supermarket I started to get anxious, and the tears started. Parked the car, took some deep breaths and went in. It was a quick shop and was home within the hour. Back in to pj’s, and spent the rest of the day lying on the sofa, staring at the TV, crying, cutting and sleeping.  The hospital phoned to check in and I’m to get a home visit on Saturday.

Life is so crap.I know it's all negative, sorry.

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