Poor light

A drab, grey day. In fact, probably fifty shades of grey. This is a topical note as the film of the book has its London première this evening - I see it as part of my role to help keep all you busy people aware of cultural events as I know that you'll be much too busy.

I had to leave the house to stock up on painkillers so I decided to do a bit of shopping. Leaning on a trolley makes walking a little easier and the headphones pumping music into my head help to drown out the voices suggesting horrid things for people who stop in the middle of an aisle to have a chat. These folk should, at least, face an immediate custodial sentence.

I stopped on the way back to take this. As I walked along the causeway ("walk" sounds so much more adroit  than my current perambulation) there was a little egret in the reeds but the light was too poor to get a snap so I just enjoyed watching it until it flew off. In the stream you might see a phalanx of mallards swimming towards the camera - this is a popular spot for feeding them hence the Pavlovian response.

If the charming young weather lady on the BBC local news doesn't send us some sun soon I might take to watching the ITV weather.

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