Light on Top

The Boss says that it is a condition he knows well so I guess he has taken lots of photographs at this time of day. Apparently the condition he was on about  has to do with his monthly visits to the here saloon which must be a joint that you go to (here) and do what ever you do in saloons, I am not up with this at all as dogs are not allowed in questionable joints and I didn’t think there were any in town anyway.
And then he went on about $18.00 for a Number 4. I think that’s fencing wire so at that stage I gave up and found a stick to chew. That I understand.
Finally he said that he had lots of friends who knew about this too and I wondered if they were all photographers.

He had to wait a bit for this to happen and mainly all the tourists and cars to go away. Luckily they did before the sun went away as well.



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