
Mount Iron, that is and from this angle you can see why it was named that.

We were having a bit of a weather change and the light tonight was a bit fickle so The Boss considered himself lucky to get the wee burst of light for long enough to get his camera out.
Additional entertainment was had as we passed “The Tree” as a more dedicated bloke was standing in the lake with water nearly covering his wonderfully bright orange waders and firing his camera (with Flash) at the tree. I really cant imagine what the result was but you have to admire the effort. No, The Boss didn’t take a photo.

To all the lovely ladies out there,
Luvey Luscious Valentine Licks tomoro.
errr…hang on a bit…I’m a girl too.
If you have moisturiser on your legs…
Sorry but I just can’t help myself.
It’s the thought that counts.

See the Town in large?


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