Freebie lego 4

I forgot to take a picture of yesterday's Lego. Today it was a racing car! Here is Ben introducing the racing car to The New Lightning McQueen, Daddy's Police Car, and The Old Lightning McQueen.

Ben got up late this morning. I'd showered and was making breakfast by the time he surfaced at almost 9.30am, and I'd not exactly got up early! We were late to tots but at least we made it. Ben was full of beans having actually eaten some breakfast. One of the ladies who goes to tots has been working for Pampered Chef and is thinking of giving up so she'd brought all her old display stock into sell off. I got some bargains after trying my best to resist temptation!

After tots we headed into town for the Lego collection. And got distracted by other Lego. Lots of other Lego. Buy one get one half price. So we did! We managed to spend enough on Lego to get extra money off. Which was rather nice! He's come away with Lightning McQueen and Francesco racing cars, a 3-in-1 green racing car kit, his freebie racing car, and a random red riding hood figurine which cost £1.99 but meant we'd spent enough to get an extra £5 off the total. Brilliant! Totally not expected, would have taken me AGES to have had that all worked out!

After our Lego distraction Ben announced that lots of buses made him hungry so we went to find Barney and Rory and Iggle Piggle and Thomas and Bob and the cafe for me. After much playing and clambering he came and announced he really was hungry so we bought chips and a sausage from the cafe. Charley finally woke up after a two hour long nap just as the chips arrived - I guess he smelled them!! - and joined in. Ben ate most of the sausage and several chips, nice to see him eating stuff :)

He dragged me into a clothes shop after lunch. That was not fair. I suppose it's like me dragging him round toy shops and not buying him anything. Just mean. Sigh. Anyway I may have found a dress to wear to weddings, there is one I'm hoping to actually go to next month and I've found a dress that will go with the wrap ;o) I will have to try it on though, I don't know what size clothes I fit at the moment... Tempted to get the Wii Fit out before we go to bed, see if I'm still maintaining my weight!

Home again. We built the little racing car. When Steve came home he and Ben made the Cars 2 Lego. I made pastry. And it became chicken and ham pie, using leftover chicken and ham and a sauce made from the chicken stock! It was GORGEOUS. I even used the new garlic press that I'd snapped up this morning :) Quite proud of myself, it really was quite yummy. Using things up like this is making me cook properly.

Ben of course had cheese sauce and pasta but he was hungry and ready to eat, paused his film (Cars 2, of course, after building Lightning and Francesco) by himself, and ran to the table. I like that kind of reaction to dinner being ready! Charley started off with breadstick while Steve was dishing up. He moved on to pie and mash, he's figured out how to get stuff into his mouth pretty well. There's a vast reduction in rejected / ejected food already these days! Pudding was chocolate mousse for the biggers, and blackberries for Charley. He pouched one of them. I ended up having to fish it out - I hate having to fish things out, there's a huge risk of causing choking - but it was stuck in his palate and making him bite as he tried to latch on.

Charley's 6 months old this Friday coming. I can hardly believe it. Tomorrow I've promised myself I'll take him to clinic and get him weighed - I'm not sure the last time he was weighed, probably at 3 months old when the HV visited last! Be interesting to see how much he's actually grown. Really hope they ask me about weaning ;o)

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